Monday, October 20, 2008

She Unnames Them

She Unnames Them= postmodern

God and the Universe
- God is overall in control since she says, "It It was somewhat more powerful thatn I had anticipated, but I could not now, in all conscience, make an exception for myself. somewhat more powerful thatn I had anticipated, but I could not now, in all conscience, make an exception for myself." 
- God gave her this gift in the first place, so he obviously has more power than her.
Humanity and Identity
- Eve is powerful since she can unname the animals, but she isnt more powerful than God
- although she was able to unname what God had named in the first place
Conflict and Suffering
-"It is hard to give back a gift without sounding peevish or ungrateful, and I did not want to leave him with that impression of me."
- Eve gives the gift back and wonders if it was a good thing to do.
Hope and Redemption
- "Well, goodbye, dear. I hope the garden key turns up."
- Eve hopes the key will turn up but its unlikely
Values and Relationship
-Eve's relationship with God and Adam is diminishing
- "He was not paying much attention"
Truth and Reality
-Eve doesn't need God
- she feels she can do without him which is a postmodern view


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