Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Art to me is something that is unique. it can be really stupid but as long as its unusually or appealing in some way its art. art has to speak to you or at least speak to some one somewhere. All art is is what people think is art. something can be art to one person and not to another. this is a sticky subject when you start talking about technicalities, which is why we bunny trail an entire class period, thats all i have to say tho

Monday, October 20, 2008

She Unnames Them

She Unnames Them= postmodern

God and the Universe
- God is overall in control since she says, "It It was somewhat more powerful thatn I had anticipated, but I could not now, in all conscience, make an exception for myself. somewhat more powerful thatn I had anticipated, but I could not now, in all conscience, make an exception for myself." 
- God gave her this gift in the first place, so he obviously has more power than her.
Humanity and Identity
- Eve is powerful since she can unname the animals, but she isnt more powerful than God
- although she was able to unname what God had named in the first place
Conflict and Suffering
-"It is hard to give back a gift without sounding peevish or ungrateful, and I did not want to leave him with that impression of me."
- Eve gives the gift back and wonders if it was a good thing to do.
Hope and Redemption
- "Well, goodbye, dear. I hope the garden key turns up."
- Eve hopes the key will turn up but its unlikely
Values and Relationship
-Eve's relationship with God and Adam is diminishing
- "He was not paying much attention"
Truth and Reality
-Eve doesn't need God
- she feels she can do without him which is a postmodern view

Senior Quote

Do Work

Sunday, October 19, 2008

American Pie

I know Im going against the current on this one, but i think the world view is christian. I think this because he references the devil and the father the son and the holy ghost. I think that an artist can express a different worldview in his works than that of his own opinion. 

  1. God and the universe- the power that is in control of this universe is music                                     - i dont think that the music i governed by anything
  2. Humanity and identity- the nature of the human being is to follow what feels good                          - the people, i would say, are more spiritual                                                                                      - I think the only control the people have in the universe is control of there own        actions                                                                                                                                                               - i think the people are guilty because they live by the feelings music gives them
  3. Conflict and suffering- the universe is flawed because the people in it are driven by their own feelings of what they think is good                                                                                                           - these flaws are, their spiritual mindset, and their lack of discipline to do anything with there lives except mope around and wish they had some music
  4. Hope and redemption- The answer to their struggle is music                                                                       - the people arent doing so good                                                                                                       - they find hope in that music will come back and make them feel good again
  5. Values and relationships- one finds value in life through whiskey and music                                            - we prize music and fear the silence                                     
  6. Truth and knowledge- music is real and truth is your feelings                                                                    - there is no absolute truth                                                                                                               - are words are not reliable either

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Worldview traits in paradise lost

The trait I will be using is the one about conflict and suffering. 

  • First Moloch, horrid King besmear'd with blood Of human sacrifice, and parents tears. [392-393]
  • Through all our glory extinct, and happy state Here swallow'd up in endless misery. 

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

OZ worldview

I believe that the worldview of the Wizard of Oz is postmodernism. Everything I've read seems to point to this conclusion because in the story the main character has her own reality. The main trust of the story is to find the Wizard, a being supposed to be all powerful, eventually they find out that it is just a dude pulling strings behind a curtain. The imaginations of the characters created their own reality and that is pretty much the gist of postmodernism. Also in the end the main character finds that she could return whenever she wanted.

worldview HW

As readers, there are things to look for in order to identify the worldview of a particular piece of literature. First you must look at the author's background, read his biography page to see if there is any insight on his worldview. Another thing is to understand what the piece of literature is saying. You mst be able to grasp what the author is getting at in order to have any idea of what the worldview is. Also the time period in which the piece was written might offer some indication of what the world view is.

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